The effect of summer on diet

Summer’s here and it seems the healthy diet you’ve maintained until now is disrupted by the outdoors or, of course, holidays. However, you have to take care of what you eat in the summer season, too.
That the seasons influence what you eat is no surprise. Some studies , in fact, suggest that high temperatures and humidity mean less food in your stomach: in summer, you eat less. What’s more, your appetite is often conspicuous by its absence.
But, to what extent is it important to keep up healthy habits in summer? It’s just as vital as during the rest of the year. Even more so, since in summer the body needs to be even more hydrated, so you don’t go over the score with fatigue caused by the high temperatures or the digestive imbalances generated by changing routines.
Eating a varied and balanced diet is, again, the key. Fruits and vegetables, dairy, meat, fish, eggs... and, of course, carbohydrates. The right amount of everything.
Only carbohydrates, for example, should contribute between 50% and 60% of your daily caloric intake. Otherwise, according to the president of the Ibero-American Nutrition Foundation, Angel Gil, “important” health problems may arise. They’re as the main source of energy used by the body , and include so-called complex carbohydrates, of which bread is one of the most prominent options. Crystal bread , water bread , cereal bread …as if there were no way today to include it in your diet!
The reason is simple. Bread is not only the most versatile food (breakfasts, lunches, meals, snacks, even dinners use it), but is a nutrient-rich product within a healthy lifestyle, where physical exercise and the balance with other foods must be right.
Bread is a product that has practically everything your body needs: carbohydrates, minerals, vitamins, protein, fibre... Moreover, when eaten regularly, it can be a good way of getting your five or six daily portions of carbohydrates as recommended by experts. Having delicious bread at any establishment is also no longer out of reach: frozen doughs make frozen pre-baked bread the best way to offer variety and quality. Buying frozen bread is therefore a safe bet.
And, despite the myths surrounding bread, it has hardly any fat. If you are, nevertheless, looking for more fibre or to meet other nutritional needs, you can always opt for wholemeal bread or some other variety of this delicious product. It’s hard to believe that a product as simple as bread, made only with flour, water, yeast and salt can offer so many benefits for people’s health.
But this is precisely where the real difference lies for increasingly demanding consumers. Today, customers not only wants their bread to be delicious, but also want to be able to choose among different varieties and above all, for them to offer added value and improve their well-being. A brioche bread with butter for breakfast; or a select loaf bread to go with a lunch or dinner are options that are as tasty as they are appetising. Having a quality product, and offering diversity, is no longer an option: it’s an obligation.
Summer won’t take you by surprise if you get a varied assortment of breads to offer your customers. Because remember: summer doesn’t mean neglecting your health.