Assortment of rolls, a high-quality variety for your lunch and dinner

It happens every year: December comes around and the calendar is filled with lunches and dinners with family and friends. Something essential that you can’t leave out? Bread.
It never fails: December arrives, and your diary is packed with commitments. Many of them are lunches and dinners with family and friends. Perhaps imbued with the spirit of Christmas, which shows its true colours, many people do a balancing act so they can go to everything. If December is characterised by anything, it’s gatherings of this kind and by the now classic Christmas menus that accompany these celebrations.
There are menus of all types and for practically all tastes, for both lunches and dinners. What food do they share? Bread. And it may be that this revelation surprises you but offer bread along with the dishes (whether a lunch or a dinner) is no joke: in the areas of the planet where wheat has traditionally been cultivated, bread has become an essential accompaniment to meals.
There are many people who, when they are in a restaurant, eagerly await the moment bread arrives at the table. Some can’t resist trying it as soon as it lands on the tablecloth, taking the end and delighting in trying it. Others keep this special moment for later, when it’s time to accompany a food or wipe the plate clean. The same effect that popcorn has in the cinema, where you don’t know whether to succumb to the temptation as soon as you arrive or wait until the film begins to enjoy it.
The breads found in the hospitality sector are many and varied. And this is hardly surprising, since ideally you’ll offer your customers different options to enrich their experience and make it totally sublime. Buying frozen bread is the best option to be able to offer high-quality bread in record time. Frozen doughs for the catering sector allow you to have different types of bread with delicious flavours and textures, since pre-baked bread preserves the characteristics of the artisan process used to make it. It’s stored cold and you’ll only have to defrost it (the number of minutes varies according to the type of bread) and give it a blast in the oven. Extremely easy. So much so that the only headache will be to choose what rolls you want in your establishment from among all the variety on offer.
Perfect rolls to accompany lunch or dinner
The most classic option is baguette rolls, the classic white bread roll that’s notable for its large volume and whose purpose is to accompany lunches and dinners. And don’t think that the varied range ends there, since there are also gluten-free rolls for coeliacs. To repeat: for (absolutely) everyone.
Thereafter, breads for accompany lunches and dinners go up a slight step and become more complex. Everything will depend, remember, on the type of products you offer in your business and on which bread best fits your menus. The rustic Mediterranean sandwich, which is floury and in the shape of a diamond, will surprise you with its great flavour and quality and is usually a basic item in any restaurant. The rustic theme does not end here, since you can also offer the rustic sandwich with 9 cereals and seeds, an option for those who love cereals in bread, and who prize originality above all.
With the country bread, you will get, on the other hand, a round roll with a thin, crunchy and floury crust, which is ideal for the hospitality industry; and with the mini ciabatta, with all the quality of ciabatta bread in a smaller format. With a rustic and floury appearance, as well as a crunchy crust and alveolate crumb, it can also serve as an excellent alternative for accompanying meals.
If you’ve stuck with round buns, take note, the list isn’t over: the: the round roll with cereals, decorated with sunflower, flax and sesame seeds is made with various cereal flours and seeds; in the pumpkin seed and pumpkin roll these are the main features and are notable for their crust, lending them a highly attractive appearance; and the plain round roll dispenses with cereals, but instead offers a crumb with a mild, very easy-to-easy crumb with characteristic scoring on their surface that make them very appetising.
If you’re hesitating between choosing one or the other, there are also succulent assports, such as the assortment of round rolls, which includes four breads of different flavours (poppy, sesame, seeds and sunflower seeds), or the selection bread assortment, which offers you four rolls of select flavours, such as Provençal herbs, green olives, cereals and rye. Very different options to always get it right for your diners. Use bread as a calling card for your menu; good bread will tell your guests that what awaits them will be a meal worth remembering.