Bread: a basic food during childhood

Children’s nutrition is key to their healthy growth at all levels, both physical and intellectual. Among the products that no children’s diet should lack, bread occupies a central place.
Universal Children’s Day is celebrated on 20 November. A date that serves, among other purposes, to highlight children’s rights and to raise awareness of the importance of working each day to support their well-being and development. UNICEF, the United Nations agency focused on children, recalls, in the context of this commemoration, that all children have the right to education, protection and, of course, health.
Good health requires optimal nutrition. The fact isthat, during the earliest years of life, a proper diet can have a positiveimpact, not only on children’s physical condition, but also on theirability to learn or communicate with other people. In this regard, a healthydiet includes not abusing vegetable fats, eating fruit and vegetables at leastfive times a day and consuming carbohydrates. Carbohydrates are very important,since they provide energy, are a source of fibre, contribute to good intestinalhealth and are the brain’s main nutrient, among other advantages.
Indeed, bread gives children a large quantity of nutrients in the form of carbohydrates. Not only that: bread is high in fibre and folic acid, as well as vitamin B1, iodine and zinc.
In the earliest stage of children’s development, white bread is ideal because of its soft crust, although some like other varieties.
It’s very easy to have a wide range of breads at your establishment thanks to frozen bakery products such as the pre-baked bread. Frozen pre-baked bread is a sure bet to have white bread at your establishment; it’s ideal for children, profitable, simple and comfortable. And, in this regard, there are some star products that the youngest children tend to yearn for. Let’s look at what they are.
Bread with milk is what children most prefer and it’s what’s most suitable for them
One of children’s favourite options is bread with milk. This bread has a soft, smooth crust and a spongy crumb, which makes it very easy to eat and ideal for both children and adults. What’s more, there’s no mystery to making it at your establishment: thanks to its express process, it only needs a few minutes in the oven before it’s ready to serve.
Another option is the roll. It’s also a white bread with a very thin crust and a mild flavour. Its size is also ideal for preparing mini sandwiches, which can delight children during their afternoon snack. It can be combined with a whole load of ingredients: sausage or cold meats, cheese, etc. Its versatility ensures it’s always an excellent option.
For growing children, another delicious option for playtime or their afternoon snack is a water bead sandwich. It has an excellent, crisp and long-lasting alveolate that’s always a winner. On the other hand, you can’t but offer pre-sliced products, which can even become the most versatile, allowing for a multitude of mixtures. In this regard, there are have options such as a slice of rustic bread or classic sliced bread, a very soft, tender and easy-to-eat bread whose properties have made it the best alternative when you have little time.
Finally, we mustn’t forget hamburger buns and special hotdog buns they love so much, and which sometimes will be for you a product as simple as offering to defrost it for a few minutes.
With them, our customers can prepare a delicious lunch or dinner for family or friends, creating moments of laughter, fun, and thus strengthening bonds with the children, something that shouldn’t be neglected since it’s as important as ensuring they have a healthy diet.
Children’s diet is key and surely one of the mainconcerns of parents who visit your establishment. So don’t hesitate to offertasty products that also help children to grow. It’s a win-win situation.