Different preparation methods to make your work easier

There are many things in life that aren’t easy. So when we find products of unquestionable quality that make our lives easier, we can but rely on them in our daily lives. That’s what frozen doughs are and the opportunities they offer.
Frozen doughs are not exactly a new product on the market. They have featured in bakeries, cafeterias and catering businesses for many years. And it’s easy to see why, since their main purpose is to make life simpler and tastier. This is not nothing.
Frozen doughs for bakeries or frozen doughs for catering (in this case the order of the factors does not alter the result) offer many advantages. One of these is its preservation method, which is one of the most natural and safest of all. To do this, the food is frozen in one phase of the food preparation, which is done according to strict quality parameters. In the case of pre-baked bread, it is deep-frozen before it’s finished baking; and in the case of pastries, the same takes place after the fermentation, and it’s even possible to freeze unfermented items.
The fact is that freezing allows the organoleptic qualities of these products to remain fully intact until they are consumed, for which only slight handling is required, that is, a simple blast in the oven. Frozen bakery products thus allow for more conscious and effective on-demand procurement, speed (baking products at short notice) and greater variety. But that’s not all: thanks to frozen doughs, the food offered in a cafeteria, bakery or catering establishment can be offered freshly baked at any time of day (which in turn avoids unnecessary waste) and, thanks to highly-controlled production processes, they always maintain the same level of quality.
Moreover, by having this type of product, premises don’t have to invest in complex machinery at the point-of-sale and, in its place, they can release space in establishments to use for larger display cabinets or to focus more on sales. For all these reasons, it’s obvious that betting on frozen doughs is a win-win situation.

A blast in the oven, as simple as it’s quick
Baking pre-baked bread is extremely easy. You need only check how much defrosting time and how much time in the oven the product in question requires and, of course, use the best suppliers of artisan bread. For example, in the case of aqua bread the aqua loaf or orchard family bread for example, you only have to defrost it for 20-30 minutes and leave it in the oven for 14-16 minutes at 180 degrees. It couldn’t be simpler or faster.
A good bakery product distributor can also offer delicious, succulent pieces of sweet pastries or savoury pastries such as pastries, croissants and napolitanas. In the specific case of croissants, a particularly outstanding one is the intense croissant with Hélène sourdough. In this case, it only needs to be defrosted for 30 minutes and baked for 12-16 minutes at 180 degrees.
Rinse and repeat. The multigrain croissant and the chocolate croissant also require 30 minutes’ defrosting and a slightly longer baking time of 15-18 minutes at 180 degrees. Other products, such as the straight croissant, require 90 minutes’ fermentation before being baked for 16-18 minutes at 180 degrees. Thus, each food has its corresponding product data sheet so you can see clearly how to handle it to extract its full potential.

Defrost and go
So far we’ve shown you how to get high-quality products easily, simply and cost-effectively; you’ll now discover the opportunities that lie behind ‘defrost and go’. Indeed: frozen doughs also allow us to offer delicious food without going near the oven.
Hoops, muffins, biscuits or doughnuts. These products can be taken out with a certain time margin since they allow you to replenish stock according to demand by simply allowing them to defrost for a while. Hoops for example, require 30-45 minutes; muffins, 45-60 minutes; and, sponges cakes, due to their size, will defrost in about 60 minutes. And that’s it. After these minutes they will be perfect (and delicious).
“Defrosted, baked and ready”or “defrosted and ready” are words that will revolutionise your business, we promise!